Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dr. John Brumell: A rising star in the field of Cell Biology

By Alena Boczek

SickKids researcher, Dr. John Brumell will receive the GE Healthcare New Investigator Award of the Canadian Society for Molecular BioSciences (CSMB) for his meritorious research in cellular biology. As part of this honour, Brumell will give a lecture at this year’s 55th Annual CSMB Conference, and have a manuscript published in the CSMB Bulletin. The GE Healthcare New investigator Award is given to scientists who have no more than ten years of independent research experience and have accomplished outstanding research.  

Noting his future promise and prolific authorship of high-quality publications, Dr. William Trimble, the Program Head of Cell Biology at SickKids, did not hesitate to nominate Brumell, “I think that it is without question that John Brumell is one of Canada’s rising young stars in the broader field of Cell Biology. His thirst for knowledge and creative approach to his research are what helps to drive his success.”

Brumell is a Senior Scientist in the Cell Biology Program at SickKids. His area of focus is bacteria in which examines how bacteria interact with cells to cause disease. Currently, Brumell’s research is focused on Salmonella typhimurium, a common cause of food poisoning in North America, and how autophagy, a cellular system, can target bacterial pathogens.

To learn more about Dr. John Brumell and his research read this profile story!

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